1 Subtle and Strange Reason Why I'm Happy I Bought Hershey Stock

's (NYSE: HSY) stock has fallen on hard times of late thanks, in part, to investor concerns about a new breed of weight loss drugs. The concerns helped push the stock down roughly 30% from its 52-week high. The stock drop, in turn, increased the dividend yield to 2.4%, which is actually fairly attractive for the stock.

If you think the worries about weight loss drugs affecting Hershey's sales are overblown, you might want to take a look. As you do, you might notice one more little oddity about the company that makes me extra happy to have had the opportunity to add Hershey to my own portfolio.

Shareholders effectively own Hershey, as with all public companies. Shareholders hire a board of directors. The board of directors then hires a CEO. And the CEO hires the company's employees. The board helps to guide the CEO on an ongoing basis. There's nothing abnormal about this structure at all, but there is one small problem for small investors: Individually, and even collectively in many cases, we don't really have a large enough voice to sway the board.

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Source Fool.com