1 Surefire Warren Buffett Index Fund Could Turn $400 Per Month Into $825,000

Investors often turn to Warren Buffett looking for stock tips, and he has given the same advice for years: Periodically put money into an S 500 index fund. Some readers may be surprised by that recommendation given that Buffett runs Berkshire Hathaway, but he has never actually recommended Berkshire stock to anyone.

Here's how Buffett's advice could turn $400 per month in $825,000 for patient investors.

The Vanguard S 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO) is one of several good S 500 index funds. Like its benchmark, the fund tracks 500 U.S. companies that represent a blend of value stocks and growth stocks from all 11 stock market sectors. Its constituents cover 80% of the U.S. equity market and more than 50% of the global equity market, meaning investors that buy shares are effectively spreading money across many of the world's most influential businesses.

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Source Fool.com