1 Unstoppable Stock Down 32% to Buy Hand Over Fist Before 2024

Rising more than 300% in the last decade and 7,000% since its 1997 initial public offering, precision instrument specialist Mettler-Toledo (NYSE: MTD) may be one of the most successful stocks few investors know about. Briefly a 100-bagger -- meaning that its share price rose more than 100 times in value -- Mettler-Toledo has a long history of stomping the broader market.

However, with the company's sales growth slowing over the last year and turning to a 4% decline in the most recent quarter, its share price has been sent down 32% by the market.

So, is Mettler-Toledo's incredible run coming to an end? Or is this the perfect opportunity to pick up shares of this steady-Eddie business at a rare discount?

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Source Fool.com