1 Vanguard Index Fund Up 1,310% in 20 Years to Buy for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bull Market

The Vanguard Information Technology ETF (NYSEMKT: VGT) returned 1,310% over the last two decades, compounding at 14.1% annually. By comparison, the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) returned 599% during the same period, compounding at 10.2% annually.

Put differently, $100 invested monthly in the Vanguard ETF would be worth about $132,000 today, while the same amount invested in an S&P 500 index fund would be worth just $78,000. The discrepancy between those figures reflects the long-term outperformance of the information technology sector, a pattern that could continue as artificial intelligence supercharges the global economy.

Indeed, generative AI has been the driving force behind the current S&P 500 bull market, and it could continue driving the market higher as more businesses monetize the technology. The Vanguard Information Technology ETF is a proven market beater that could help investors capitalize as the artificial intelligence boom unfolds.

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Source Fool.com