1 Word in a Recent Trump Speech Gives a Big Clue for What to Expect With Corporate Tax Reform

The Trump presidency is seven and a half months old, and "The Donald" is arguably still looking for his first major victory in the Oval Office.

Trump rode dozens of campaign promises into the highest office of the land, but he has thus far been unable to deliver on healthcare reform, despite countless promises to repeal and replace Obamacare. Even though the American Health Care Act passed by the narrowest of margins in the House, the bill was dead on arrival in the Senate. As for the Senate, it's been unable to muster up enough support for its version of healthcare reform, dubbed the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Essentially, healthcare reform is at a standstill.

Image source: President Donald J. Trump's official Facebook page. Photo by Shealea Craighead.

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Source: Fool.com