1 of the World's Top Short-Sellers Just Made a Bullish Bet on a Fast-Growing Trend

February is an exciting month for the investing community. There's been a Federal Open Market Committee meeting, an abundance of economic data has been released, and earnings season kicked into high gear.

But what you might have missed is that February is also Form 13F season. Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) marked the filing deadline for money managers and wealthy individuals with more than $100 million in assets under management to file a 13F with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fourth quarter.

A 13F provides a portfolio snapshot (in this instance, as of Dec. 31, 2022) that investors can use to determine what the most successful money managers on Wall Street were buying and selling in the most recent quarter. Even though this snapshot is six or more weeks old, it can still be useful in identifying the stocks and trends piquing the interest of top-tier money managers.

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Source Fool.com