25% More Space at 50% of the Cost? No Wonder Investors Like This Property Niche.

By some estimates, the average retirement account balance for those between the ages of 65 and 75 is roughly $426,000. That seems like a big figure, but it really isn't when you consider that people are trying to live off of that sum during what may be decades of retirement.

Keeping expenses in check is going to be important for a large number of retirees. This is where manufactured homes come in. It's a property niche you can tap into via a trio of real estate investment trusts (REITs) that focus on this low-cost housing niche.

Averages are tricky things. One of the most common examples of this is that a bar with 10 people in it would have an average net worth well north of a billion dollars per person if one of those people happened to be Bill Gates. In other words, while the average retirement savings of those between ages 65 and 75 might be $426,000, there are going to be a lot of people with less than that figure.

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Source Fool.com