2 AI Stocks That Are Safer Options for Retirees

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the hot growth opportunity that many businesses have been focusing on in 2023. For retirees, however, it may seem like the next big risk, or tech bubble, that's not worth gambling on. Currently, there are many risky AI plays that may simply be looking to capitalize on the new buzzwords, but without a clear vision or strategy on how to be profitable. While all of this is true, there are some suitable investing opportunities within the AI space for retirees to consider that balance both safety and growth.

Two companies heavily involved in enabling AI capabilities -- but aren't risky investments -- are Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL). Here's a look why these two stocks are solid opportunities in the AI space for retirees.

Microsoft is a stable business that plenty of retirement portfolios hold for the long haul. The software and cloud-computing giant even pays a modest dividend that yields 0.9%. It's not a huge payout, but it can ensure that you're at least generating some recurring income every quarter. Plus, Microsoft has been increasing its dividend payments for years. Last month, it hiked its dividend by 10%.

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Source Fool.com