2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks to Buy and Hold for Decades

Artificial intelligence (AI) stocks have become popular in recent months. The gains in some AI names have become eye-popping as investors and consumers become increasingly aware of the possible productivity gains these stocks can drive.

Nonetheless, long-term investors tend to seek stocks that will not rise and fall as trends come and go. Instead, they probably want to look to companies that operate sustainable businesses that could potentially drive AI-driven profits for decades. To this end, investors may want to consider positions in AI stocks such as Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG) and ASML (NASDAQ: ASML).

Google parent Alphabet has been an AI pioneer. Its use of AI goes back to 2001, when it applied machine learning (ML) technology to correct the spelling of those using Google Search. Its use of AI increased steadily from that point, and the company declared itself an "AI first" company in 2016, when it fully committed to incorporating AI into its products and services.

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Source Fool.com