2 Bargain Stocks You Can Buy Today

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily lives and the global economy to a degree that's unprecedented in modern times. Yet despite massive unemployment and uncertainty about how the outbreak in the U.S. will develop from here, the stock market seems to be anticipating a rapid return to normalcy -- rather blithely, if you ask me.

It was fairly easy to find stock bargains in mid-March when fear was the dominant sentiment, but many of those stocks have recovered the majority of their losses already, so finding investment options that are clearly cheap relative to their long-term prospects now takes a little digging.

Here are two stocks that haven't bounced back yet that still have bright futures and are excellent values at current prices: Retail Opportunities Investments Corp. (NASDAQ: ROIC) and AMN Healthcare Services (NYSE: AMN).

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Source Fool.com