2 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

What will happen after the COVID-19 pandemic from an economic standpoint is anyone's guess. The oil and gas industry, airlines, cruise ships, sit-in restaurants, and even the financial services space are all facing an uphill battle at the moment.

Numerous household names may, in fact, vanish when everything is said and done. Put simply, this isn't the time to take on undue amounts of risk with your portfolio. What's more, investors would be wise to avoid trying to time the bottom by bargain hunting in this rather unpredictable market. 

Which stocks are the best safe havens for investors in this rocky market? Blue chip pharmaceutical companies that pay a reliable dividend definitely qualify as a port in the storm, so to speak. Most of the top pharmaceutical companies should actually grow their top lines over the next 12 months -- not just hang on for dear life as the broader economy deals with the impacts of social distancing.

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Source Fool.com