2 Cathie Wood Stocks Up by 35% and 70% That Could Make You Richer

No investor, no matter how savvy or experienced, gets it right every time. But over the years, some do become successful and recognized after displaying above-average stock-picking abilities. Cathie Wood is such an example. The famed CEO of Ark Invest, an investment firm, is considered a star on Wall Street.

Many of her firm's actively managed ETFs are performing well this year, so it might be a good idea to take a peek inside and use her stock picks for inspiration. Two that stand out due to terrific performances this year are Exact Sciences (NASDAQ: EXAS), up 35%, and (NASDAQ: ROKU), up 70%.

Despite crushing the markets, these Cathie Wood stocks still have plenty of upside for long-term investors. Let's dig in.

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Source Fool.com