2 Cities Where You Absolutely Should Not Buy an Investment Property

If you've been thinking of getting into the rental property investing game, you might be turned off by what you're seeing in the housing market. And it's certainly understandable if the current environment of low supply, high prices, and rising interest rates isn't exactly lighting a fire under you.

But it's these less-than-ideal conditions that are driving more would-be homebuyers to become renters, and that increased demand is driving rent prices ever higher. So if you find a property you want to invest in but think it's too expensive, it could still be well worth seeing what similar properties are renting for and crunching the numbers.

But while it's true that rental properties are incredibly hot in most of the country right now, here's one important caveat: Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rental regulations in any area where you're considering investing. Let's take a look at a few cities where those laws could easily make rental property investing more trouble than it's worth.

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Source Fool.com