2 Cutting-Edge Gene-Editing Stocks That You Don't Want to Miss

Gene-editing biotechs are hard at work to create the treatments and cures of tomorrow, and any businesses that succeed are likely to be great investments. Of course, it's complicated to figure out which are going to soar and which will languish, so it makes sense for investors to keep a bunch of promising options on their watch list to monitor over time.

Then, when the companies have reached a point in their development that fits with your risk profile, it'll be time to start a position. Let's examine a pair of cutting-edge gene editors so that you'll have a few more ideas about which are worth paying attention to and why.

Wave Life Sciences' (NASDAQ: WVE) stock is up 48% in the last 12 months, and while it may take a while for investors who buy it today to see similar returns, it's definitely a company worth keeping track of now.

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Source Fool.com