2 Differences Between You and Billionaires, and 1 Thing You Have in Common

Becoming a millionaire is something that's feasible even if you only earn an average income. Becoming a billionaire, however, is a lot less likely.

But just because you may not be or become a billionaire doesn't mean you can't learn from those who are extraordinarily wealthy. And while you may not be able to take the exact same approach to building wealth, there are certain lessons you can learn from billionaires.

On a basic level, you might share some of the same traits as people with billions of dollars to their name. Take Warren Buffett, for example. The famed investor and billionaire still lives in the same modest house he purchased decades ago. You might take a similar approach to your finances by opting to keep your housing costs low to free up money for investing, retirement savings, and other things.

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Source Fool.com