2 Dividend-Paying Tech Stocks to Buy Right Now

Dividend stocks are relatively rare in the tech space, as these companies tend to be more focused on investing extra cash into growth initiatives. But income investors can still find some attractive businesses that balance growth with steady Dividend checks. The trick is knowing where to look.

With that goal in mind, let's look at two excellent tech businesses that also deliver immediate income in the form of quarterly dividend payments. Read on for some good reasons to buy (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) right now.

Investors can excuse Microsoft for paying a relatively small dividend today, given its many opportunities to direct cash toward high-return growth areas. Last quarter, the tech giant achieved double-digit sales gains in niches as varied as cloud services, enterprise software, and internet search. Wins here helped offset cyclical declines in the consumer electronics and video game segments.

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