2 Dominant Tech Stocks That Are Now Mouthwateringly Cheap

In times of market stress, even the best businesses can take it on the chin. And there's considerable uncertainty for both the economy and individual stocks today. However, even if we're entering a "hurricane," as JPMorgan & Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently put it, eventually, the storm will pass.

That means investors should look to resilient businesses that can weather a potential economic "storm," while coming out stronger on the other side. In that light, two of the most dominant businesses in their fields, Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: FB) and Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM), look extremely cheap today.

While Meta Platforms looks enticingly cheap today at just 14.3 times trailing earnings, let's be realistic: The company is facing numerous headwinds at the moment. First, the company is battling new privacy protocols for iOS users, which is affecting ad targeting. Rival Snap also recently pre-announced worse-than-expected results last month, perhaps foreshadowing a difficult digital ad market this year, sending all social media stocks into a spiral.

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Source Fool.com