2 Great Stocks to Buy No Matter Who Wins the Election

The U.S. presidential election is fast approaching, and depending on the results of the race, stocks could immediately enjoy a boost or quickly start to dive. But beyond the typical immediate post-election reaction of the market, the different visions and proposed policies of the two candidates will affect sectors of the economy differently in the long term. For instance, if the Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins, companies in the renewable energy industry are likely to thrive. Meanwhile, a second term for President Donald Trump would be good news for companies in the oil industry.

There are more areas in which both candidates' visions diverge, but there are also industries -- such as the pharmaceutical and e-commerce sectors -- that will navigate the next four years reasonably well regardless of who wins The White House. After all, developing life-saving drugs never goes out of style, and customers will continue to shop online as the pandemic drags on -- and beyond. Two companies worth buying in that spirit are Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) and Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY). Let's look closer into why both stocks are worth investor attention, regardless of Tuesday's outcome. 

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Source Fool.com