2 Growth Stocks Wall Street Might Be Sleeping On, but I'm Not

There's something special about finding "the next big thing" before that thing goes mainstream. Tom and David Gardner recommended Amazon.com and (NASDAQ: NFLX) years before those online innovators were cool. Without those astute insights, The Motley Fool might not have existed today.

Or you can look at my personal history. I dove headlong into that brand-new "Internet" thing in 1995, spending every spare moment in my Swedish college's computer rooms to explore the rudimentary world wide web at dial-up speeds. Two years later, I had met a girl in an online game and transferred to her school in Florida, working out the whole transfer process by email.

By the end of the millennium, the office of admissions at my new school wanted me to stay after graduation as their webmaster. And in 2024, I'm still married to that American girl I met on an Icelandic game server 29 years ago and all my work is online. Let's just say that the internet has been a game-changer for me.

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Source Fool.com