2 Growth Stocks to Hold for the Next 10 Years

It's easy to dive into a growth stock knowing you can quickly bail out if things don't initially pan out. The thinking changes, however, when you're a long-termer looking for a stock to hold for years. These types of investments must be in companies with proven staying power, or the ability to adapt, or (ideally) both.

With that as the backdrop, here's a closer look at two growth stocks you can comfortably buy and hold for at least the next decade. Both operate in businesses the world can't live without, and both are in markets composed of customers willing and able to perpetually pay for updated products.

You know the company. Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is of course the name behind the world's most prolific computer operating system; GlobalStats reports Windows is installed on more than 70% of the planet's PCs. Microsoft also offers a popular suite of productivity programs collectively called "Office," which account for roughly half of this market. And let's not forget that the Xbox video is gaming console, also this outfit's intellectual property.

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Source Fool.com