2 Growth Stocks to Hold for the Next 10 Years

Compounding is a powerful force that can significantly increase the value of your investment portfolio. For compounding to occur, a business needs to demonstrate consistent growth in revenue and profits, thereby allowing its share price to increase in tandem. Profits are then plowed back into the business and reinvested at high rates of return to help bring the business to the next level. Over time, this virtuous cycle will cause the stock price to shoot up, helping to multiply your wealth many times over.

For a stock to be a long-term keeper, you also need to look for other attributes such as a strong brand or market position within its industry, a stellar track record of growing its presence and/or customer base, and catalysts such as a large total addressable market to ensure many more years of steady growth.

With these characteristics in mind, these two growth companies qualify as stocks you should own for a decade or more.

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Source Fool.com