2 Healthcare Stocks That Could Soar in 2020

As of June 30, the daily number of new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. has skyrocketed to more than 46,000. Since the pandemic was declared in mid-March, the cumulative number of cases in the nation has surpassed 2.7 million, and over 130,000 Americans have died.

Unfortunately, the curve is anything but flattening, as the Trump administration prioritized reopening the economy over imposing decisive quarantine and lockdown measures to combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2. As a result, America is the only developed country in the world where cases of the deadly respiratory illness are marking new all-time highs.

Therefore, investors could seek companies in the healthcare sector that provide essential services to combat COVID-19. Unfortunately, the next market sell-off may be around the corner -- never in recorded history has there been a respiratory pandemic without a second wave. Today, let's look at two companies with significant potential for share appreciation in the event of a continued bear market.

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Source Fool.com