2 High-Yield Energy Stocks to Buy With $10,000 and Hold Forever

Energy stocks are not exactly known for being boring investments. But that doesn't mean you can't find great companies that are worth buying and holding for the long term, even forever in some cases. You just need to go in knowing that they have to be held through the often-volatile energy cycle. If you have that kind of timeframe and $10,000 to invest right now in the energy sector, you'll want to look at (NYSE: CVX) and Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD).

There are a lot of things to like about integrated energy giant Chevron, but one that stands out is its 37-year streak of annual dividend increases. Keep in mind that oil and natural gas prices are known for their dramatic, and often swift, price swings. For investors seeking income, Chevron has been a rock in a stormy sea.

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