2 Industrial REITs Worth Your Consideration Along With Industry Giant Prologis

When you look at a specific investment niche, it pays to examine the industry leader in the space. When it comes to industrial real estate investment trusts (REITs), Prologis (NYSE: PLD) is the 800-lb. gorilla, with a market cap of $110 billion and a portfolio that spans the globe with roughly 1.2 billion square feet of warehouse space.

But it can also be beneficial to go beyond the top company, as it is the name everyone else is examining too. Competitors can also be worth consideration. Two in the industrial REIT space worth examining are Rexford Industrial (NYSE: REXR) and Stag Industrial (NYSE: STAG).

Investors seem more worried these days that industrial REITs are going to see a business slowdown. Some of that worry was driven by announcements from big customers like Amazon that are reducing their warehouse footprint. And yet Prologis continues to see high levels of occupancy (98% in the first quarter) and still manages to negotiate large rent hikes when leases renew (up 68.8%). Simply put, despite investor concerns, Prologis continues to execute at a high level.

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Source Fool.com