2 Magnificent Stocks to Buy With $500

Some might hesitate to invest in stocks during a bull run, like the one we are experiencing. They argue that equities are likely to be overvalued. However, it's possible to find reasonably valued picks in this environment, even among top high-quality stocks. And some can be had without having to break the bank.

For those with $500 to spare (that is, that isn't being kept aside for emergencies), let's consider two excellent corporations that are worth investing in right now: (NYSE: MRK) and Novartis (NYSE: NVS).

Developing and selling products people's lives depend on is an excellent way to be successful in the long run. That's what Merck does. It is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, particularly known for its work in oncology. Merck's cancer drug Keytruda will be the world's top-selling medicine until it runs out of patent exclusivity in 2028. Through then, it will continue to be Merck's biggest growth driver. In the first quarter, Merck's sales of $15.8 billion grew by 9% year over year, a solid performance for a pharma giant.

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Source Fool.com