2 No-Brainer Warren Buffett Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever

For as long as most of us can remember, Warren Buffett has been widely acknowledged as one of the best investors around. In times like these, it's easy to see why. The global economy has thrown everything imaginable at Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) since he acquired the company in 1965, and it's still beating the market.

By turning that defunct textile mill into a holding company that invests in other businesses, he created an enterprise whose shares have appreciated at a compound annual rate of 19.7% over the past 57 years. Other investors and fund managers have put up better numbers for shorter periods, but nobody has outperformed Buffett consistently. 

He famously tells anyone who will listen that he would rather buy a great business at a fair price than a mediocre business at a great price. These Buffett stocks are trading at prices that are more than fair right now, and patient investors who scoop them up have a good chance of beating the market in the years ahead.

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Source Fool.com