2 Potentially Explosive Crypto Stocks to Buy in April

Crypto stocks and cryptocurrencies in general have posted big gains in 2024. Many believe the run has just begun. You can, of course, opt to simply buy cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin. But there are other ways to profit from the rise of crypto.

There are two crypto stocks in particular that could skyrocket in value over the coming months and years.

Since the first Bitcoin was created in 2009, crypto fanatics have spoken about "mass adoption." What this phrase refers to is the point in time in which millions, perhaps even billions, of people would own and use crypto regularly. In some ways, mass adoption has already occurred. Most Americans have now heard of cryptocurrencies, while millions have owned or transacted in them. According to one survey, one-quarter of all Americans now own Bitcoin, and most of them are keen to accumulate more.

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Source Fool.com