2 Reasons Now Is the Ideal Time to Invest in Fractional Shares

Exciting new investment opportunities don't come along every day, but fractional shares are one of them. Fractional shares aren't a new asset you can buy, but instead are a new way to invest. While you previously had to purchase whole shares of stock if you wanted to own a piece of a company, fractional shares change that. 

Also called dollar-based investing, this new method of buying stock allows you to specify how much money you want to invest in a particular company rather than how many shares you want. And if the money available to you doesn't happen to be enough to buy a full share, it doesn't matter. Some brokers allow you to buy as little as .001 of a share or to invest with as little as $0.01 so you can buy part of a share in any company you'd like.

There are plenty of benefits associated with investing this way, and two big reasons that now's a good time to try it. 

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Source Fool.com