2 Stocks Down 63% to 87% to Buy Right Now

Investors often make the mistake of buying stocks when they're near a peak. Stocks with momentum get investors excited, but buying a great stock when the tide is against it could achieve much better results.

You can't expect to time the market, so buying a winning stock, even at a high point, isn't the worst strategy. But don't miss the opportunity to buy amazing stocks on the dip. Two Motley Fool contributors weigh in with hot stocks at prices you don't want to miss.

Jennifer Saibil (Roku): It feels strange to explain that the streaming landscape is changing, since streaming hasn't been around for that long in general, and certainly for only a few years as a real alternative to traditional content consumption. But things move quickly in general these days, and streaming isn't what it was even a few years ago.

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Source Fool.com