The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed an economic malaise the likes of which we have not witnessed since the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009. Entire industries such as airlines and hotels are feeling the heat as demand plunges amid a slew of lockdowns and border closures enacted by governments around the world to contain the spread of the coronavirus. These trying times are enough to stress out any investor as job losses pile up and companies report plunging sales and profits.

It is precisely times like these that make us question what we think we know, as the world around us undergoes irreversible change. Many aspects of human behavior have been altered as the pandemic forces people to change their daily routines, habits, and practices. Working from home has become more widespread, and more people are ordering takeout or deliveries from restaurants rather than dining in.

Amid all this change, here are two stocks whose business models I believe will not be adversely affected. In fact, this pandemic can provide them with opportunities to grow stronger over the long term.

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