2 Superb Growth Stocks to Buy and Hold for the Long Haul

While growth stocks have been among the hardest hit in a notably volatile market, many of these companies remain popular choices with long-term investors. Not all growth stocks are created equal, and share price alone -- either one that has shot up or contracted in the current market -- shouldn't induce you to buy or sell. 

Instead, you should train your focus on the underlying business, which should not only have a clear growth story but align with the personal investment philosophy you're building your portfolio around. Today, we're going to look at two profitable, cash-rich businesses you may want to consider pressing the buy button on the next time you go shopping for stocks. 

Airbnb (NASDAQ: ABNB) has built a business around the ever-shifting nature of travel. With a platform that features more than 7 million active listings and counting as of the end of the last quarter (an increase of 19% from just one year ago) in well over 200 countries, travelers can find just about any kind of booking to fit their specific interests and needs.

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Source Fool.com