2 Supercharged Tech Stocks to Buy Without Any Hesitation

Trading with price-to-sales (P/S) ratios of 18, CrowdStrike (NASDAQ: CRWD) and The Trade Desk (NASDAQ: TTD) are home to valuations that don't necessarily scream "buy without any hesitation." Quite frankly, a lot has to go right for these companies to live up to their premium valuations.

However, thanks to their supercharged growth rates and the undeniable megatrends working in their favor, I can't help but keep adding new dollar-cost averaging (DCA) money to these businesses each month.

These supercharged tech stocks are expected to grow revenue by 39% and 25%, respectively, in the upcoming year, and they might be two of the select few deserving of a towering valuation. Here's what makes them so compelling.

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Source Fool.com