2 Supercharged Tech Stocks to Buy Without any Hesitation

Tech stocks faced a tough 2022, with reductions in consumer spending dragging down the shares of some of the world's most valuable companies. According to IDC, in the third quarter of 2022, worldwide PC shipments declined by 15%, and smartphone shipments fell by 9.7% as consumers cut discretionary spending.

Even so, tech stocks remain some of the best investment options for the long term, with now an excellent time to invest. Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) have each experienced double-digit decreases in their shares. However, these supercharged growth stocks have continued to provide long-term gains.  

Here's why Alphabet and Microsoft are two tech stocks to buy without hesitation heading into the new year. 

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Source Fool.com