2 Things I Didn't Realize About Retirement Until I Started Writing About It

I've been saving for retirement since my early 20s. But other than writing out checks to my IRA (or, later on, attempting to max out my 401(k) plan), I never really gave retirement much thought until I started writing about it around seven years ago.

The more general research I did on retirement, though, the more light bulbs went off in my head -- to the point where it's driven me to rethink some of my long-term plans. Here are just a few things I didn't realize about retirement at first -- but I'm very glad I know now.

I'll admit that back in the day, I assumed that retirement was an inexpensive period of life -- so much so that you could get by on half of your former income. In doing lots of research, I've learned that that estimate is way off.

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Source Fool.com