2 Top Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold for the Long Haul

Many are drawn to Warren Buffett's investing style because it makes sense to the average investor. Adopting his philosophy can lead to extraordinary results if executed well and with patience. What does he advocate? Berkshire Hathaway's CEO has a propensity to invest in companies with competitive advantages over their rivals.

Buffett also likes to buy stocks for Berkshire when the stocks are trading for less than their intrinsic value. Still, it's a company's competitive advantages that ensure it will be around for decades, compounding the investment's value.

If you want to invest like Buffett, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and American Express (NYSE: AXP) would be two good stocks to buy and hold long-term. Here's what Buffett likes about these two companies, and why they should grow for a long time in Berkshire's portfolio of stocks.

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Source Fool.com