Stocks with small share prices are sometimes overlooked, but the wise investor knows to dig a little deeper to find true diamonds in the rough. Considering the following investment candidates could lead to bigger gains tomorrow as real portfolio gems emerge. And you don't even have to get your hands dirty.

Avita Medical (NASDAQ: RCEL), an Australian medical device company specializing in regenerating skin to treat burns and skin trauma, currently trades around $5 per share. Avita's innovation is revolutionizing burn treatment with a medical device that replaces painful skin grafts and speeds patient recovery time.

The medical device is called the RECELL System. It prepares a spray-on suspension using a small amount of a patient's own skin, providing a new way to treat severe burns. Skin regenerates, or grows, wherever the spray has been applied. Previously, skin grafts were the only way to replace skin. This new technology significantly reduces the amount of donor skin required, rate of infection, recovery time, and expense.

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