2 Unstoppable Warren Buffett Stocks That Can Turn Sitting Cash Into Growing Wealth

Led by CEO Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway stands as one of history's successful investment conglomerates. With the company's Class A stock trading at roughly $482,000 per share, Berkshire has a market capitalization of approximately $703 billion and ranks as the sixth-largest publicly traded company in the world.

Starting from a price of roughly $18 per share when Buffett purchased the company and made it the foundation for his investing empire, Berkshire Hathaway has grown by incredible leaps and bounds through the years -- and its moves are closely monitored by investors around the world. Read on for a look at two stocks that Berkshire purchased in its last reported quarter that are capable of creating growing wealth for your portfolio as well. 

Image source: The Motley Fool.

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