Some investors focus on price-to-earnings ratios when looking for cheap stocks. I prefer to look at dividend yield ranges, favoring companies that have historically high yields. Today Hormel (NYSE: HRL) and (NYSE: CLX) are both offering historically attractive yields that are backed by very impressive histories of annual dividend increases. If you are looking to buy a stock today, these two are among the cheapest stocks I own in the consumer staples space.

No business goes in a straight line up or down. There's always an ebb and flow to the progress. For long-term investors with a value bias, like me, the key is trying to find great companies that are likely to be temporarily out of favor on Wall Street. That's why my search starts with companies that have long histories of annual dividend increases. Ideally that would mean Dividend Kings, but I'll consider any company with over 10 years of hikes.

Image source: Getty Images.

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