3D Printing Is About to Explode; Here's 1 Way to Profit From It

Years ago, I bought shares of 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD). My investment did not pan out. I should have seen the warning signs. While it was easy to see the potential upside in a radical shift in manufacturing (an "important and emerging industry"), I was unable to find a top dog and first-mover company.

I felt the strongest pure-play was 3D, and their plant was nearby, so I made a small investment in the company. After several years, I took the loss and gave up on it.

Now I believe I have identified the top dog and first mover in additive manufacturing. I'm excited about Velo3D (NYSE: VLD). Here's why I think that additive manufacturing is about to soar far higher, and why Velo3D will lead the way.

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Source Fool.com