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3 Bargain Stocks You Can Buy Right Now

If you're looking for a stock to buy, you know there aren't many bargains out there right now. Many stocks are trading at or near record highs as the markets continue to look strong -- the S&P 500 itself also hit record highs earlier this month. All this doesn't mean that there aren't bargains available, but they're becoming rarer.

But there are a few stocks that look to be cheap buys right now, including Village Farms (NASDAQ: VFF)AT&T (NYSE: T), and Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN). They all trade at attractive valuation multiples and have underperformed the markets this year, so now may be an optimal time to buy their shares while their prices are still low.

Village Farms is a Canadian cannabis producer that's based in British Columbia and that owns a majority stake (58.7%) in Pure Sunfarms, an efficient, large-scale marijuana greenhouse. The company operates the facility through a joint venture with Emerald Therapeutics, which owns the remaining 41.3% stake. The joint venture gives Village Farms an advantage over its peers, with its low-cost operation helping the company stay in the black.

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