3 Beaten-Down Growth Stocks to Buy Right Now

Famed investor Warren Buffett's suggestion that investors should "be greedy when others are fearful" is easier said than done when the markets are in full correction mode. It takes a disciplined long-term investor to make what can appear to be a foolish leap and buy stock as the market swoons. But history has shown that the right buys in a correction can be highly profitable. It has also shown that an investor doesn't have to time the bottom perfectly to make money.

One strategy cautious investors might want to consider is dollar-cost averaging the buy-in on a stock. Timing the market is almost always a losing game. Instead, purchasing a portion of your intended overall investment at regular intervals allows long-term investors to take advantage of short-term price dips to build a position. This can be especially helpful during market turmoil.

Another key is to purchase seasoned, well-managed companies that are almost sure to rebound when the bull market returns (and it will). With that in mind, here are three beaten-down growth stocks worth closer consideration.

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Source Fool.com