3 Can't-Miss Biotech Events Coming Up in 2022

If you're looking for stocks that can add a little excitement to your portfolio, biotech is a great place to start. Clinical-trial results and other binary events regularly send drugmaker stocks surging higher or lower overnight.

If you're not sure where to start looking, you're not alone. Last year, BioPharma Dive counted a record 72 biotech initial public offerings (IPOs) that raised at least $50 million. They were springing up like dandelions long before COVID-19 came along.

With hundreds of important clinical-trial readouts scheduled for more companies than any one person can keep tabs on, it pays to know which ones are worth the most attention. Here's why you'll want to keep both eyes open for upcoming announcements from Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ALNY), Intercept Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ICPT), and Karuna Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KRTX)

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Source Fool.com