3 Cathie Wood Bargain Buys That Should Be on Your List Too

Cathie Wood favors companies that innovate and have what it takes to become tomorrow's winners. But she won't buy them at just any price. The superstar investor will only pick up shares of these players if the price is reasonable -- and even better if it's an absolute steal. A stock that's declined in the double digits doesn't intimidate Wood because she invests for the long term, with the idea that companies will score earnings and share performance down the road.

This year, Wood's strategy has helped her flagship Ark Innovation ETF outperform the S 500, with a gain of 27% compared to the index's 15% increase.

So, how can you win over time like Wood? A great way to start is by following her into a few exciting stock market stories. Just recently, she bought shares of (NASDAQ: MRNA), Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG), and Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) -- and these bargain buys should be on your list too.

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Source Fool.com