3 Cryptocurrencies That Can Skyrocket 1,000% (or More) by 2026

If you thought the 29% total return for the benchmark S&P 500 in 2021 was impressive, chances are you weren't paying close enough attention to the cryptocurrency space. When the curtain closed, the aggregate value of digital currencies hit $2.2 trillion, representing a yearly gain of more than 185%!

Crypto investors are clearly excited about the financial and nonfinancial applications of blockchain technology, as well as the role blockchain could play in the metaverse -- i.e., the next iteration of the internet, which'll allow users to interact in 3D virtual environments.

With more than 16,000 listed cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap.com, it's likely many will fail. But a few projects could lead to incredible returns for patient investors. The following trio of cryptocurrencies all have the competitive advantages and differentiation in their corner to skyrocket 1,000% or more by 2026.

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Source Fool.com