You can teach old industries some new tricks, and some markets are just ripe for disruption. As an investor, it can pay to watch sectors that haven't changed much in ages. Sooner or later, someone will come up with a better way to tackle a pressure point.

Toast (NYSE: TOST), (NASDAQ: ROKU), and Bumble (NASDAQ: BMBL) are three companies that tried to breathe new life into established markets that were growing stale. They are disruptors. They are all trading well below their all-time highs, but that only makes this an opportunistic time to consider riding shotgun as they gain market share and ideally upticks.

You probably don't have to try too hard to think of the last time that you settled up your restaurant bill by interacting with a Toast point-of-sale reader. There are 99,000 eatery locations on the high-tech platform, a 34% increase over the past year. The number of dining establishments out there hasn't grown that quickly over the past year. Toast is gaining market share, and that's not changing anytime soon.

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