3 Dividend Stocks Perfect for Retirement

Retirement is a time to shift one's investment portfolio to a more defensive posture. If this can be done while generating income via dividend payouts, so much the better. We asked three of our Foolish investing contributors to offer up their picks for a dividend stock that's perfect for retirees on the market today. Here are all the vital details on Deutsche Telekom (NASDAQOTH: DTEGY), Enbridge (NYSE: ENB), and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ)

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Sean O'Reilly (Deutsche Telekom): My pick for perfect dividend stocks for retirees requires a trip abroad: to Germany. Deutsche Telekom, headquartered in Frankfurt is the German version of AT&T. And, like its American cousin, Deutsche Telekom has the stability, profitability, and growth potential that make it a perfect addition to any portfolio in retirement mode. For the second quarter of fiscal 2017, net revenue grew by 6% to 18.9 billion euros ($22.2 billion). Adjusted EBITDA rose by 8.9% to 5.9 billion euros. Profit growth stood out in the period, rocketing up 40.7% to 874 million euros.

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Source: Fool.com