3 Expensive Things You're Probably Not Planning For

As President Eisenhower famously said, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."  While he was directly referring to war planning, the sentiment holds true to everyday life and finances as well. No matter how good you are at planning for what you want to have happen, what actually does happen will probably end up different. Being able to adapt your plans as reality unfolds is key to your ultimate success.

When it comes to personal finance, the key to your adaptability comes from planning to live on less than you earn and socking away the extra in savings. While that savings probably won't provide the highest rate of return in your overall asset allocation strategy, it can be an incredibly important part of keeping a small problem from becoming a big one. With that in mind, here are three expensive things that just might happen to you that you're probably not planning for.

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