3 Feel-Good Ways to Lose Lots of Money in the Bear Market

With the 21% drop in the market-tracking SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSEMKT: SPY) this year so far, we're definitely in a bear market, and that means risks to your portfolio are as tangible as ever. Most investors recognize that in such a market, it's possible to lose a lot of money really quickly if you let panic take the wheel and make your investing decisions for you. 

But there's a far more insidious way to lose a lot of money in a bear market: making decisions that feel good in the moment, but which are actually kryptonite for your portfolio's long-term value. Let's get familiarized with a trio of these wolves in sheep's clothing so that you'll know what kind of ill-advised moves to avoid. 

When you've been looking at your stocks falling for days or weeks on end during a bear market, it might not take much beyond an ordinary daily decline to trigger a strong desire to sell and cut your losses.

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Source Fool.com