3 Highest-Growth Stocks in the Market Today

Which stocks claim the highest growth rates in the entire market? The answer depends on how you define growth.

There are several kinds of growth -- sales, earnings, stock price, cash flow, and more. Growth also requires a definition of time frame. The highest growth stocks over the past 100 years, for example, would be a much different list than the highest growth stocks over the past one year.

To find which are the highest-growth stocks, I chose to use earnings growth for a couple of reasons. First, it tends to drive stock price and cash flow. Second, a stock could have nice revenue growth but still lose money. On that note, I also excluded any stocks for companies that aren't profitable. And instead of using just one time period, I looked at stocks that had strong earnings growth this year and that also are projected to have strong earnings growth over the next year and next five years. After all, the future is more important to investors than the past.

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Source: Fool.com