3 No-Brainer Dividend Growth Stocks to Buy With $1,000 and Hold for Decades

Buying stocks that can raise their dividends year after year is a great way to build a portfolio. Not only will you receive a growing stream of income, but dividend growth stocks also historically outperform the S 500. Dividend growers and initiators produced annual total returns of 10.2% from 1973 to 2023, according to research from Hartford Funds. By comparison, the average stock in the S 500 returned just 7.7% per year in that period.

If you can find a great dividend growth stock trading at a fair price, you can hold it for decades and see the yield on your original investment compound with each annual increase. So even if you're starting with just $1,000, you could end up with hundreds in annual dividends down the line. Here are three great candidates for your portfolio.

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